Assalammualaikum, it’s been ages.
I miss this blog and writing about travel journey for all of you. Maybe ramai yang dah tahu tentang penghijrahan selama setahun ke Leeds, UK. Hijrah ye. I’ve been using my new social media account to keep in touch with my friends and families after got hacked by irresponsible people (booooooo!) and update all about my student experiences in Leeds.
Yes, I made it to University of Leeds and finished my Masters last September. Alhamdulillah. It was unplanned and not even in my wildest dream dapat study kat UK. Paling jauh pernah berangan pun hanya sampai kat Australia. Rupanya, semua sudah tertulis kan… Hebatnya perancangan Allah 🙂
Anyway, sepanjang berada di Leeds, I’ve met so many bestest people from around the world and FRIENDS from Malaysia yang memang loves sangat. From the very first day we met, we formed a deep connection, as if we had known each other for a significant period of time. And you know who you are!
My time in Leeds was the most enriching and transformative moment. Tak caya, jom layan gambar-gambar yang sempat I snap when in Leeds